Garlic Butter Baked Salmon with Crispy New Potatoes and Courgette

 All on one tray, in the oven - what could be easier? Light and tasty midweek supper.

Substitute courgette for asparagus in early summer when seasonal

Serves 4

Pre-heat oven to 220c  or 200c fan

Prep Time: 10 mins while potatoes cooking

Cook Time: 35 mins



Tbsp measurer

Small sharp knife

chopping board

Small bowl

Baking tray

Fine grater 

Garlic crusher


4 Salmon Fillets 

500g New potatoes

1 tbsp vegetable oil

Handful flat leaf parsley finely chopped

2/3 Courgette or a bunch of asparagus (when in season) 

3 Garlic cloves minced 

1 lemon, rind and juice 

50g butter 

1tsp white wine vinegar

Salt and pepper


Slice the courgettte in half then slice into battons lengthways, put to one side. 

Cut the new potatoes in half.

Grate the skin of the lemon with a very fine grater then squeeze the juice into a little bowl.

Mix the garlic and lemon rind together.

Tip the potatoes onto a on a tray, drizzle with 2 tsp veg oil and a sprinkling of salt . Roll around with your hands to make sure all covered in oil.  Roast in the oven for 25 mins until golden brown around the edges and almost done.

Move them aside on the tray and place the salmon fillets and courgettes alongside.

Sprinkle the 2/3 of the garlic and lemon rind over the salmon fillets.

Melt the butter and mix with the lemon juice.

Pour half of the mixture over the fillets, leaving half  for dressing.

Put the salmon fillets back in the oven for 10 mins until baked.

Add the remaining garlic, lemon rind and the parsley to the butter and lemon mixture with a little salt and pepper and stir well. Melt slowly for a min on low in the microwave so it becomes a warm dressing.

Plate up and sprinkle the lemon garlic butter over the salmon and courgette.

