Spinach Pasta with Chorizo

Do you remember we first had this in Portugal! I know it looks very green but is delicious!

In order to fill up hungry males, I often serve with a salmon fillet or pan fried chicken breast (bashed between clingfilm). For salmon fillet, oil skin, season and bake for 10 mins in oven skin side up on a baking tray. Temp 190c or 170c fan. Chicken bashed out ,brushed with oil and seasoned. 3 mins each side in a searing hot frying pan then rest for 4 mins having checked no longer pink inside by slicing into thickest part of the breast.

Serves 4

Prep time: 10 mins

Cook Time: 15-20 mins depending on pasta type (check packet instructions)


Casserole dish

large pan with lid


Sharp knife

chopping board


Stick blender

Kettle boiled 


340g  (12oz) pasta - any - tagliatelle, penne, linguine whichever! (based on 3oz per person - if hungry do an extra oz)

150g chorizo diced (or bacon or pancetta lardons)

1 onion diced

2 cloves of garlic finely chopped

450 g spinach, washed thoroughly and drained

200g creme fraiche

Pecorino cheese (I usually use this instead of parmesan  ( - is cheaper!)

Salt and pepper to season

Chilli flakes (optional)


Boil the kettle and generously cover the pasta in the pan as it will absorb a lot of water during cooking. Salt the water. 

Partially cover with a lid and simmer for 15-20 mins (depending on pasta type)

Dry pan fry chorizo in a casserole and set aside on a plate (the chorizo will produce oil so no extra cooking oil needed)

Saute the onion in the casserole using oil from chorizo, when translucent add the garlic and stir around a little before adding the spinach. Stir in to the onion and garlic and allow the spinach to wilt. 

Once spinach wilted take off heat, add creme fraiche. Using a stick hand blender, tip the casserole slightly to create a pool of ingredients and blend carefully so you don't cover the whole kitchen in spinach splat!

Once blended add the chorizo and pecorino stirring through.

When the pasta is cooked, drain in a colander.

Stir the drained pasta into the sauce. Check seasoning. To serve sprinkle a little extra pecorino and if serving with chicken or fish plate up alongside or on top. You could slice the chicken at an angle...

